Bright, Sunny, and Meaningful
In addition to all the symbols and ceremony of today, I have been amazed by the variety of mediums through which I can and have experienced the inauguration. It began this morning with the images of the mall filling up on CNN supplemented by the commentary of NPR. As it noon got closer, I went down to my son elementary school to watch with them in the gym, where the school had set up a huge projection. The best part was hearing the kids chant “Obama, Obama, Obama” when the cameras caught their first glimpse. It was also easy to tap into the emotion of the teachers, many of them persons of color and visibly moved by what was happening. Afterwards, I came home to listen to NPR and scan Twitter, the blogs, CNN’s home page, and listen to a streaming radio and then a podcast. From the ringing sounds of children chanting to the pixilated reality of my monitor, this has been a day to remember.
In addition to all the symbols and ceremony of today, I have been amazed by the variety of mediums through which I can and have experienced the inauguration. It began this morning with the images of the mall filling up on CNN supplemented by the commentary of NPR. As it noon got closer, I went down to my son elementary school to watch with them in the gym, where the school had set up a huge projection. The best part was hearing the kids chant “Obama, Obama, Obama” when the cameras caught their first glimpse. It was also easy to tap into the emotion of the teachers, many of them persons of color and visibly moved by what was happening. Afterwards, I came home to listen to NPR and scan Twitter, the blogs, CNN’s home page, and listen to a streaming radio and then a podcast. From the ringing sounds of children chanting to the pixilated reality of my monitor, this has been a day to remember.